You should say

-When it was?
-Who you had it with?
-What you talked about?
-Explain why you thought it was interesting?

Model Answer

  • Nowadays people prefer to converse with their friends through social media.
  • Everyone has forgotten what it feels like to talk to someone face to face.
  • There is only so much you can type before you get tired.
  • But actual face to face conversation is fun.
When it was?
  • Last year I meet up with an old friend in a café.
  • It was fun talking to someone and enjoying a breath of fresh air.
  • Then sitting at home behind my computer screen.
  • Inconveniencing myself.
Who you had it with?
  • I’ve known Sara since I was a child.
  • We grew up together playing talking.
  • Doing all sort of things.
  • We got into so much mischief and trouble back then.
  • But her family moved away and we couldn’t see each other as much as we wanted.
  • When she contacted me that she was around the neighborhood,
  • I was so elated.
What you talked about?
  • We met up at a café and just talked about everything we’ve missed in each other’s lives.
  • From her education to family to her fiance.
  • There was a lot of stories to share.
  • Before she finally told me about her business idea that she needed a partner.
  • Her idea was what piqued my interest.
Explain why you thought it was interesting.?
  • She wrote a plan involving exportation and trading.
  • Here, she will export goods from the country to other countries where they are needed.
  • Then use the profit to buy goods from that country.
  • And trade it another country that needs it.
  • Before buying goods that we need in our country and bringing them back home.
  • So basically it was a trade involving about 6 countries.
  • I found the idea interesting because it was something out of the box.
  • And knowing Sara, it was out of her comfort zone.
  • Sara hates anything she can’t control.

Sara and I now run a successful exporting and trading business with over 6 countries and still counting.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. What is the difference between the conversation between males and females?

There isn’t much difference except the subject matter. Some believe that females mostly talk about males. While that might be true there are countless other things females talk about. Same as the males.

Que 2. Why is it that some people today get anxious when they give a presentation?

Some people are shy. So they find it difficult to stand in front of a crowd for a presentation. While some are afraid they will mess up or get bad feedback or forget their lines or forget the answer to any question they are asked. There are quite a several things that can cause anxiety.

Que 3. What fulfills the distinction between talking on the phone and face-to-face conversation?

There is a huge difference between having a conversation on the phone and face to face. Most people are a lot more confident when the other party isn’t there to see their facial expressions. With face-to-face conversation, you don’t just talk with your mouth alone. Your entire body is part of the conversation

Que 4. Why is body language important for conversation?

Body language helps you to determine the speed at which your subject matter is received. With body language, you can tell if the other party is fully paying attention to what you’re saying, or if they want to talk to you.