You should say

-What was the toy?
-Who gave it to you?
-How often did you play with it?

Model Answer

  • As kids, we all have a toy that took a special place in our hearts.
  • Something you played with at all times.
  • You never go anywhere without it.
What was the toy?
  • I remember the first time I saw a train.
  • I was on a journey with my parent and they decided to travel by train.
  • I was very fascinated by the movement along the tracks.
  • I couldn’t stop asking for a train set.
  • I disturbed them until it got one.
Who gave it to you?
  • My dad decided to surprise me on my birthday with a new train set.
  • I was so happy even the cake didn’t interest me.
  • We set it up in my room and I named each toy in the set./li>
  • Mom was against setting it up in my room because she believed I will be distracted by it.
  • But dad said it was fine that I needed something to occupy myself with.
How often did you play without it?
  • There wasn’t a day that went without me playing with the train set.
  • You can always find me by the train set.
  • Disturbing the whole house.

Every child should have a toy that they can play with. It is also an opportunity to build them up. You never know that you might be what interests the child to go into that field maybe engineering, medicine, and many more.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. What is the difference between girls’ and boys’ toys?

Some toys are gender-neutral. For example, dolls are female toys, while some kids both male and female, like to play with toy trucks, trains, balls, and many more.

Que 2. Do you believe toys assist in children’s growth?

Yes, I do but it also depends on the toy given to the child. Educative toys build a child’s intellectual properties. Some other toys also pick the creative side of a child making them want to know more.

Que 3. Does modern technology have an impact on children’s toys?

Most toys these days are leaning towards the engineering field such as computers, architectural toys, cars, trucks, etc. modern-day technology helps light the interest in kids.

Que 4. Should parents buy toys for their children?

Yes, parents should buy toys for their children because they can make them happy and encourage them to focus on study.