Describe a time when you were bored.
You should say -When it was? -Who you were with? -What were you doing? -Why do you feel bored? Model Answer Introduction Boredom is a time when someone feels dull, mind-numbing and tedious. I hate being bored. I will be talking about a time I was bored. What it was?...
Describe a word that you learn in childhood.
You should say -What was it? -When did you learn it? -How did you learn it? -What does the word mean? Model Answer Introduction Learning is fun, You never stop learning because learning is continual. I will be talking about a time I learnt a new word as a kid. What...
Describe two people who you know from the same family
You should say -Who these two people are? -How do you know these people? -How much these two people have similar personalities/ how much do they look similar? -Explain how the two people get along with each other Model Answer Introduction There are so many people I...
Describe your favourite social media site
You should say -What is your favourite media site? -What do you use it for? -How long have you been using social media? -Does the site affect you mentally? Model Answer Introduction Social media has taken over people live now, All individuals post their private lives...
Describe a challenge you have taken up
You should say -What is it? -When you did it? -How did you do it? -What was the result? -How did you feel about it? Model Answer Introduction Challenges are what make one a star when it is overcome. One way or another we encounter dares in life, both great and small....
Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house
You should say -Where would this place be? -What would it look like? -When you would like to live there? -Explain why it is an idea for you? Model Answer Introduction I believe a home is not made up of the structure of the building, A home should be a happy place. But...
Describe a time you were caught in a bad act
You should say -What was it? -When it was? -Who caught you? -How did you feel? Model Answer Introduction Everyone as a child has done something bad at one time or another. Even some mature people have also done bad things which they end up regretting. I will be...
Describe a childhood friend
You should say -What did your friend look like? -How did you meet your childhood friend? -How old were you when you met? -When was the last time you talked to each other? -Where does your friend live now? Model Answer Introduction Everybody has that one friend that is...
Describe a new skill you want to learn
You should say -What is it? -How would you learn it? -Where can you learn it? -and explain why you want to learn it? Model Answer Introduction I love gaining new talents. I already have a list of new skills I want to learn how to do. So I will talk about one of those...
Describe a practical skill you learned or a skill you learned that you think is important
You should say -What was this skill? -When did you learn it? -How did you learn it? -And explain why you think it was important? -How did you feel about it? Model Answer Introduction Skills are acquired to use them to achieve our aims and objectives. There are so many...