You were supposed to go on an interview in a few weeks, but you have since found out you cannot go on the date arranged.

Write a letter to the potential employer. In your letter,

-tell them why you need to move the interview time
-ask to change the interview date
-explain that you are still interested in being interviewed for the job

You should write at least 150 words.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sample Answer Letter Of Request (Formal Letter).

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request a change of date for my interview upcoming with your company.

It saddens me to make this request because I have been looking forward to this interview but my grandfather passed away and a family gathering has been fixed for the same day as the interview. The gathering will be taking place at my grandfather’s house in Chennai, making it difficult for me to attend the interview since it will take hold in Agra. I was also informed that all members of the family must be present at the gathering, hence I won’t be able to make the interview.

My scheduled interview is on the 30th of April. If it’s not too much to ask, I would like to request that it will be changed to the first Friday in May that will be on the 7th. Another day can be fixed if the 7th of May won’t work for you.

It has been my dream to work at your reputable company and I will be delighted if given a chance there. So I am still very much interested in taking the interview.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Yours Faithfully,

Describe two people who you know from the same family

Describe two people who you know from the same family

You should say

-Who these two people are?
-How do you know these people?
-How much these two people have similar personalities/ how much do they look similar?
-Explain how the two people get along with each other

Model Answer

  • There are so many people I have been opportune to meet,
  • I will be talking about 2 of those people that are from the same family.
Who these two people are?
  • I have known them since their childhood,
  • One of them is my best friend.
  • They are both twins,
  • Eric and Erica by name.
How do you know these people?
  • We became neighbours when their family bought the house next to our house.
  • And at first, I was friends with Eric,
  • While Erica hated my gut,
  • But soon after we noticed we shared the same views and opinions on things,
  • So we became the best of friends and inseparable.
How much do these people have similar personalities?
  • Eric and Erica may share the same facial looks but their personality are far different from each other,
  • Erica is fun, loving, and does crazy things sometimes,
  • Plus she hates school work.
  • Eric is cool, calm, and collective.
  • He is the book nerd among the two.
  • As calm as Eric is he is also temperamental.
  • But Erica is easygoing and hardly gets angry.
  • Eric is emotional, Erica is not.
How do they get along?
  • They may have different characters but,
  • No one can come in between them.
  • Eric is always so overprotective about Erica,
  • Same as Erica is protective about Eric.
  • This minute they are fighting the next they are laughing.
  • It kind of hard to settle a dispute among them,
  • Because you will never understand and end up being at fault.

They both have ways of making me laugh whenever I am around them because they fight like cats and rats and are still glued to each other.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Have there been any changes in family life in your country in the past 20-30 years?

Yes, there have been changes, Families learn new things and ways of living. They become better in their way of life. The family is open to new ideas that will make them a better family.

Que 2. Do you think modern families are the same as families in the past?

Not really, families now have improved. Women now have a say in the decisions made in the family, unlike in the past when a woman had no right whatsoever and should only speak when spoken to.

Que 3. Would you say family is important to most people?

Yes, I would because a person family determines who they become in the future. One of the most important institutions of family. Family can either mould you to become a better person or damage you for life. It all depends on how we all view our families.

Que 4. What’s your opinion about family?

Family is the first and most important institution of learning. If society will be better or worse, it starts with the family. A good family is the bedrock of a good society.

Describe your favourite social media site

Describe your favourite social media site

You should say

-What is your favourite media site?
-What do you use it for?
-How long have you been using social media?
-Does the site affect you mentally?

Model Answer

  • Social media has taken over people live now,
  • All individuals post their private lives online,
  • Either to spite someone or just to show off.
  • Social media was created for a good purpose.
  • But like they say, when the use of a thing is not known,
  • Abuse is inevitable.
  • I will be talking about one of my favourite social media website.
What’s your favourite social media site?
  • One of my favourite sites is FACEBOOK,
  • I have had a Facebook account for a long time.
  • It was the first social media platform I ever opened.
What do you use it for?
  • I use Facebook to connect with my present friends,
  • And also friends from the past.
  • I also meet new people on Facebook.
  • Sometimes I check people’s news feed.
  • And sometimes I upload pictures.
  • Facebook is a messaging channel to get to talk to your friends without having to worry about airtime
For how long have you been using social media?
  • I have been on Facebook for 12 years.
  • I was around 15 years then.
Does the site affect you mentally?
  • Sometimes, there are some videos I have stumbled on that have left me traumatized for weeks.
  • Sometimes I have watched educational videos that challenge me to become better.
  • I am always careful about the kind of videos I watch.

Social media sites are good but denizens have misused them. What you make out of social media is what matters.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Are social media sites dangerous to use?

If humans become addicted to social media then it is dangerous to use. Some individuals have turned social media into their platform for things that are not relevant.

Que 2. How many people in total use the same site that you use in the world?

Facebook users are approximately 2.8 billion and still counting. Traffic on the social site is increasing day by day.

Que 3. Which social media sites should you avoid?

People should avoid Social media sites that do not add value to you as a person. Sites that pollute you and don’t impact you in a good way.

Describe a challenge you have taken up

Describe a challenge you have taken up

You should say

-What is it?
-When you did it?
-How did you do it?
-What was the result?
-How did you feel about it?

Model Answer

  • Challenges are what make one a star when it is overcome.
  • One way or another we encounter dares in life, both great and small.
  • I will be talking about a challenge I took up.
What was it?
  • I love to challenge myself to do new things even if it is difficult.
  • Pushing myself beyond limits is what keeps me going.
  • I once challenged myself to wake up as early as 3 am to get set for the day.
When you did it?
  • It was about a year ago I challenged myself to it.
  • It wasn’t an easy task because,
  • That is the best time to enjoy sleeping.
How did you do it?
  • But I put my heart into it.
  • I set 3 different alarms just to wake me up at that time.
  • I happen to hate loud noise whenever I am sleeping because I am a light sleeper and,
  • It gives me a headache.
  • So I made it inconvenient for me to sleep,
  • And that kept me wide awake.
What was the result?
  • Though it was hard and stressful,
  • I was able to adapt to the routine.
  • And ever since then I wake up at 3 am every day except weekends.
How did you feel about it?
  • I felt happy because,
  • During those early hours of the day, I can clear my mind and feel at ease before launching into any task for the day.
  • I also get to read sometimes.
    • Conclusion

      Life is a challenge on its own, what you make of it is what matters. Challenge yourself to do things you never thought possible.

      Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
      1. Should people challenge themselves often?

      Yes, they should, because it helps them conquer their fears and aim higher. It also aids them to achieve things they never thought they could achieve.

      Que 2. Should parents encourage their children to take up challenges?

      Yes, this will help the children in knowing how to handle any difficult situation in the future. Also, it gives the training on what to expect in life.

      Que 3. Do challenges have positive or negative results?

      It has both positive and negative results, it all depends on how you handle it. We should always take it positively to achieve our goal.

Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house

Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house

You should say

-Where would this place be?
-What would it look like?
-When you would like to live there?
-Explain why it is an idea for you?

Model Answer

  • I believe a home is not made up of the structure of the building,
  • A home should be a happy place.
  • But today I will be talking about how I want my dream house to be built.
Where would this place be?
  • My dream home would be located in Los Angeles(LA),
  • In Hollywood, on the street of Beverly Hills.
  • I have always wanted to live there since I was a kid.
What would it look like?
  • It will be located around a beach,
  • And it will be 4000 Square foot,
  • It will be a residence that’s combined with a great scale with soaring ceilings.
  • It will have an all daylight with an open floor plan.
  • It will have 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms,
  • It will have a state art kitchen,
  • It will be built with 2 large living room capable of hosting a party,
  • A theatre room, a lounge.
  • Each room will have a view of the ocean.
  • A big playroom filled with toys,
  • Two large swimming pools with an oceanic view.
  • A game room and a music studio and much more.
When would you like to live there?
  • The instance I get the financial means to build it,
  • I will start work on it without delay.
Why is it ideal for you?
  • It is ideal because it will be spacious enough to hold family gatherings,
  • And for my future children to play and have friends over.

Having a dream home is only complete when you have your loved ones with you in it. A home is where the heart is.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Do most Indian people live in an apartment or house?

Most people live in a huge mansion, some live in apartments and houses. But the common one is a Mansion that houses up to 4 generations.

Que 2. Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

It depends, some people love to live alone and be independent, while others like the idea of being around their parents.

Que 3. Do Indian people like to rent a place to live?

They live in places that are according to their social status, places they can afford whether it is rented or built.

Que 4. Would you like to live in a foreign country in the future?

Yes, I would love to, it has always been one of my dreams. Foreign countries are safer and have too many jobs as per the home country.

Que 5. How is modern home design in your country different from that of the past?

While homes in the past have a larger footprint than modern homes now, space is generally divided into various small, single-purpose rooms instead of a few large ones. Homes in the past were designed for traditional households, which were of a much larger family than now.

Describe a time you were caught in a bad act

Describe a time you were caught in a bad act

You should say

-What was it?
-When it was?
-Who caught you?
-How did you feel?

Model Answer

  • Everyone as a child has done something bad at one time or another.
  • Even some mature people have also done bad things which they end up regretting.
  • I will be talking about my experience on been caught in a bad act
What was it?
  • I was caught eating the cookies in the cookies jar.
  • My Mum had given me one before,
  • But I was not satisfied, so I waited until after everyone had gone to bed.
When was it?
  • It was when I was 9th,
  • My mom used to say if I eat too much sugar.
  • That I become hyperactive,
  • So she always makes sure I don’t eat too much.
Who caught you?
  • After I made sure everyone was asleep,
  • I sneaked into the kitchen and took 4 cookies from the jar.
  • As I was about to close the jar,
  • My Mom came back into the kitchen.
  • I tried hiding the cookies from her,
  • but she could see through my lies.
  • She punished me the next day.
How did you feel?
  • I felt bad for stealing instead of obeying my mom.
  • So I apologized to her.
  • And from that day I never stole again.

Doing bad things has a bad result.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Does engaging in bad things have negative or positive results?

It has a negative result, there is nothing bad that will come out with a positive result. What is bad is bad. No one should expect good results from doing bad things.

Que 2. What should parents do when their children do bad things?

Parents should punish their children, they can also talk to them about changing from their bad ways. But everybody knows that every disobedient child should be punished. Those punishments may vary, but at least they will get the message you are passing across to them.

Que 3. Can adults be disciplined for doing bad things?

Yes the can, no one should be left when caught in a bad act. Every adult should be responsible enough to own up to their mistakes and accept any necessary punishment for them.