You should say

-What does it look like?
-When did you see it?
-Where did you see it?
-Explain why it is interesting?

Model Answer

  • Aquatic animals are animals that live and survive in water.
  • There are various types of aquatic animal,
  • Some live in water but also stay on land,
  • While some stay in the water only
  • I will talk about my favourite aquatic animals.
What does it look like?
  • My favourite aquatic creatureis Dolphin,
  • It is known as the most friendly animal.
  • Dolphins have long, simplified bodies designed to travel rapidly and efficiently underwater.
  • Most dolphins have a fin on their back, two fins that resemble arms and a tail split down the middle.
  • Dolphins usually have grey, brown, or blue skin, though some have black stripes or spots, like the killer whale.
When did you see it?
  • I once went on a sea cruise with my aunt,
  • For Christmas vacation.
  • We went on a cruise ship.
  • Looking at the sea was a sight to behold.
  • But it got more beautiful when I saw a dolphin flip out of the water and jumped back in.
Where you saw it?
  • The cruise ship was heading to Hawaii,
  • towards Oahu.
  • I made a mental note of going back there again,
  • Just to see dolphins.
Why are they interesting?
  • Dolphins have an interesting way of life.
  • They are extremely intelligent animals,
  • They also exhibit culture, something which was believed to be extraordinary to humans.
  • They are known to stay and assist injured individuals, even assisting them to the surface to breathe.
  • Dolphins love to blow bubbles.
  • And are very chatty.

Dolphins have a way of communicating with humans.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Do people like to keep pets?

People keep pets as a company, most times when they have a burden or need to relief their minds, people tend to speak with their pets(not that it is normal) but sometimes it is easier to confide in pets without the fear of being exposed. Also, people keep pets just to have something of their own.

Que 2. Do you support doing experiments on animals?

No, I don’t. But scientists can research each species of animals without experimenting on them. Even if they need toexperiment, it should not be harmful for the life of fauna and its nature.

Que 3. What should we do to protect endangered animals?

To protect endangered animals, a place can be built for them to be taken care of. A place where they get all the necessary things they need. Animals shouldn’t be endangered, when they are, they become restless and cause disaster.

Que 4. Why do people refuse to eat animals?

People who don’t eat animals are called vegetarians. They believe that the killing of animals just for human enjoyment and consumption is unjustified. They are always concerned about the welfare of animals

Que 5. What would happen when some species disappear on earth?

There can be unfavourable effects if some species become extinct on our planet. there will be unevenness in the ecosystem.