You should say

-Whom did you make the promise to?
-What was the promise?
-Why did you make the promise?
-Was the promise easy to achieve?

Model Answer

  • Promises are made as an act to build one’s trust in another.
  • Sometimes promises are broken,
  • But that is not good.
  • A broken promise is a broken heart.
Whom did you make it to?
  • My sister asked me to write an article for her.
  • She said she knew I had a tight schedule, and that I might not be able to write it.
  • But I should try.
  • I promised her I would write it.
What was the promise?
  • She asked me to write an article on 5 haunted places to visit,
  • But since I told her that I would do it, I had to fulfil my promise.
Why did you make the promise?
  • I hate disappointing people,
  • Especially if it comes to my sister.
  • I always want to do anything she asks for,
  • Since she rarely asks for help.
  • So I couldn’t say no to her.
  • Even if I had no time, I would create time.
  • And I never go back on my promise.
  • It is a virtue I have built-in myself.
Was the promise easy to achieve?
  • It was not easy to achieve as It is time-consuming and requires a lot of research.
  • There are many haunted places around the world and I will have to choose 5 good places.
  • I wrote the article for her, she appreciated it and even offered to pay me, which I declined.

One should only make promises he/she can fulfil.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
1. Do children also make promises to their parents?

Yes, a lot. They promise to either be good boys and girls or to perform well in their academics. Sometimes to avoid punishment from their parents, children make promises out of fear.

2. Do most people fulfil their promises?

I would say no because everybody makes promises but only a few fulfil them, some only make empty promises while others want to fulfil but truthfully have no means to.

3. How do you feel when others break their promises?

I feel disappointed but I try to understand why the person broke the promise. If it is for a genuine reason then I will let it go but if not then I will find it difficult to trust or believe anything the person says again.

4. Who makes fake promises in your country?

This is a tricky question but I will say truthfully that the government makes fake promises during their campaign but does not fulfil them at all but instead make things worse. They are either busy getting richer or turning the country into chaos.

5. Should people make small promises?

I believe people should make promises based on their capacity.