You should say

-When it was?
-Who asked you for help?
-How you helped?
-How you felt about it?

Model Answer

  • Having a family is like having clothes to wear,
  • Families can either make or mar you.
  • I love all my family members in one way or another.
  • I will talk about a family member that once asked for my help.
When it was?
  • It was about 3 years ago,
  • I went to visit my uncle for Christmas.
  • I love to go to his place because I always come back with lots of goodies.
  • Around that time his wife was pregnant with their second child.
Who asked you for help?
  • She had a delicate pregnancy.
  • I spent about a week with them.
  • On the day I was to go back to Delhi,
  • She went into labour.
  • My uncle had to take her to the hospital,
  • He needed my support to stay with my niece at home.
  • I wanted to get to Delhi that day.
  • But seeing the situation, I agreed to help him.
How did you help?
  • He took her to the hospital and I stayed with my niece till they came home from the hospital.
  • I helped prepare some dishes after he called to tell me my aunt had put to bed,
  • And took it to the hospital for them.
  • It took a week for them to come back from the hospital.
How did you feel about it?
  • Though it was stressful as my niece was a handful,
  • But I enjoyed every moment.
  • And I was also happy to be one of the first people to see baby James.

Lending a helping hand to not only your family but also those around you goes a long way to show how kind-hearted and affectionate one is.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
1. What can children help their parents?

Children can help their parents in different ways. They can help with household chores, help in going to groceries store’s or performing other tasks that are not domestic.

2. What are the benefits of children helping their parents?

There are many benefits attached to this, but the main one is that the youngsters learn to be responsible and sometimes get things easily from their parents.

3. Should parents reward their children for helping others?

Yes, if necessary. It helps to encourage them to help more. I think it shouldn’t be too often so the children don’t grow up to only lend a helping hand because of the reward attached to it, rather it should be out of the kindness of their heart.

Que 4. Do parents help their children because they need their help when they are old?

No, parents should help their children because it is their parental responsibility. They should always be eager and ready to help them. It is an obligation and duty to have to perform as parents.