You should say

-Where you went
-What you did at that place
-Who did you go there with?
-Why you went on that journey by car

Model Answer

  • Long car journeys are a fun experience.
  • You get to enjoy the scenic view as you go along the way.
  • Most long journeys create the avenue to know places you’ve never been to before.
  • It’s a comfortable experience that creates togetherness with other members involved in the journey as you all get to talk about different things.
Where you went?
  • We drove out of India through the border to Pakistan.
  • It was an interesting journey as we got to see different parts of the country.
What you did at that place?
  • I went around the neighborhood with my cousins.
  • Played around with old friends and family, football matches, hockey.
  • Went to the cinema.
  • We had a family get-together where everyone brought food to the party.
  • It was an awesome experience.
Who did you go there with?
  • My parents, siblings, and I went on this journey together.
  • The journey was for a vacation to see some relatives across the border.
Why you went on that journey by car?
  • We took a car because my dad wanted us to enjoy the scenic route and.
  • Also to know the places around the country we’ve never been to before.

A journey by car is very entertaining as there are a lot of things to interest you on the way and make you realize the beauty of the country. It is also an opportunity to see a new place you don’t know about.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. What will cars be like in the future?

With the recent innovations in technology, cars in the future will be a lot more advanced with many features for the convenience of the driver. It is also safe as per bike drive.

Que 2. What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Just like a private car, bicycles are also a personal means of transportation. But they are different. A bicycle is a one-man contraption which cannot transport more than one person and lots of luggage.

Que 3. Do people enjoy having private cars?

Yes. Having your car gives a sense of ownership and security. This also provides a means of transportation without having to worry about sharing a bus with other people that are not family members.