You should say

-Where is it?
-When you went there?
-To whom you went there?
-And explain how you felt about being there?

Model Answer

  • India is a densely populated state. Therefore we’ve got plenty of areas that are often crowded.
  • A few of those areas are spiritual shrines, historic websites, and now you may even find a good deal of folks at bus terminals, public gardens, etc.
Where is it?
  • One of the places I find crowded during my visit is the Acropolis mall
  • Which is located in Kolkata
  • My visit there was not a good experience
When you went there?
  • I went there during one of a crazy shopping days
  • It is a tradition where we pick the first clothing that catches our eyes I’m a store,
  • And pay for it no matter how expensive.
To whom you went there?
  • I went with my sister,
  • Because it is a tradition we have set for ourselves.
  • Just to spend time together.
  • When we got to the mall,
  • It was crowded and had a difficult time entering.
  • By the time we entered we had missed each other.
  • I was not familiar with the place but my sister was.
  • So missing her was not a good idea.
  • I later found her but I got lost a few times.
  • As my phone was in her purse.
  • So I could not call her.
How did you feel about it?
  • I felt pissed at first,
  • Because it took about 30 minutes to locate her.
  • But I was pacified when I saw the beautiful clothes in the store.
  • In which I had a hard time picking.
  • But all in all, it was a good day which started as a bad day.

I don’t do well in crowded places. It gives me anxiety attacks. So I avoid them most of the time

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1: Is there a completely quiet place?

Yes, there are completely quiet places like churches, mosques, restaurants, banks, etc.

Que 2: Do you like to go to places where there are many people?

No I don’t it gives me anxiety attacks.

Que 3: Do you like places with large space?

Yes, I do. Places with large spaces and few People. I feel relaxed in such a place.

Que 4: Are the places which attract many people in your country?

Yes there are. Like tourist centers attract a lot of people

Que 5: What do you think is the most important thing about a public event?

The most I’m thinking is to Make sure you get the location, the size of the location, the catering, the entertainment and the date planned first. These are the most essential tasks to having the event be a success. People worry more about what happens at the event than what napkins they’re using. Also, make sure to check the calendar in advance.

Que 6: What are the types of problems that can be better solved by group work?

These problems are: Poor communication, making assumptions, misinterpreting what’s being discussed, not understanding what they need to do, working on the wrong task, failing to work well together.

Que 7: What kind of places do people want to go to when they want to be alone?

It all depends on the person’s favorite thing to do. Some people like to go to their favorite places, some go to the movies, amusement parks, the beach, some even do some sporting activities like hiking. Some go for a car drive, bike drive, or running.

Que 8: Why is it sometimes important for people to be alone?

People need to be alone because there is the time needed to think or reflect on something. Being alone can help you build mental strength. But, solitude may be just as important. Studies show the ability to tolerate alone time has been linked to increased happiness, better life satisfaction, and improved stress management. People who enjoy alone time experience less depression.