You should say

-When it was?
-What was the original opinion?
-Why did you change it?
-And explain how you felt about it?

Model Answer

  • Opinions are a person’s point of view about a particular thing or person.
  • I believe it is very difficult for certain people to change one’s mind.
  • I once had an opinion about a person but it turned out I was wrong.
When was it?
  • It was about two years ago.
  • It was at a family gathering at my grandparent’s house.
  • It is something we do annually to get to meet everybody both far and near.
What was the original opinion?
  • I met my brother’s fiancee for the first time.
  • She was so friendly with everyone.
  • And I felt she just wanted to suck up to everybody.
  • That she was just after my brother’s money.
  • My opinion was that she was like every other girl that came and pretended to love him only to leave him when he is down.
Why did you change the opinion?
  • She proved herself to be a lovely person.
  • I studied her and noticed that was her character.
  • She was ready to help my sister anytime we needed help.
  • She stood with my brother when things were tough and helped him get back on his feet.
How did you feel?
  • I felt bad for ever thinking of her in such a manner.

We shouldn’t judge people without getting to know them first. Always give the benefits of doubt.

Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. Do children like to change their opinion?

Yes. Children change their opinions a lot. When you are nice to them, they tend to love you but when you become harsh they hate you faster than you can say WHO.

Que 2. Why do people change their opinions?

People change their opinion because they see a better view about what they know. Or they saw that they were wrong about a thing. If they don’t change, they suffer from guilt and thus, although they may resist at first, they slowly do change.

Que 3. Who do young people turn to for advice?

Some young people turn to their parents for advice, some turn to counselors, friends or someone that has experienced what they are going through. Some even turn to a person they are free to be themselves with.

Que 4. Do people like giving opinions about politics?

Everybody always has an opinion about politics. Whether good or bad. Somehow we believe we can do better than anybody currently in power.