You should say

-Where was it?
-What were the children doing?
-How others reacted to it?
-And explain how you felt about it?

Model Answer

  • Most times children tend to behave naughtily in public and cause unnecessary attention.
  • Parents have to punish their children who are above six years old if they embarrass the parents in a public place.
Where it was
  • I went to my brother School last month.
  • It was in a cafeteria, during lunch hour.
What were the children doing?
  • 4 children were bullying a smaller boy, trying to collect his money and also make him do things he didn’t want to do.
  • It was an awful site that made him wet his pants out of fear.
How others reacted to it?
  • Some students who were like the bullies had a smirk on their faces while some pitied the boy and tried comforting him.
  • But the teachers handled the matter with urgency because they were disappointed that such a little boy could be bullied that much.
How you felt about it?
  • I felt angry and disappointed.
  • It is not a good thing to get bullied.
  • It leads to so many unwanted and unpleasant results and memories.
Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. What bad behaviour do children usually have ?

The bad behavior associated with children are creating noise, breaking things, disrespecting elders, scribbling on the walls and stealing small things like pencils, erasers and bullying other children. Some even cry for unnecessary reasons.

Que 2. How should parents stop their children from behaving badly in public?

I think parents should stop their children from doing bad things at home. It is said that charity begins at home. I think parents should not just stop children from doing something bad but also tell them why it is bad to do it. And teach them the right way to behave.

Que 3. Are parents these days stricter than in the past?

On the contrary, I think parents are more lenient these days. It is mainly due to two reasons, first being the strict laws against physical punishment and the second reason is the influence of western culture.

Que 4. Whose influence on children is more? Parents or their Friends?

I think in the early years, the parents’ influence is second to none, as children spend the majority of their time with their parents. But as children grow older, they spend considerably more time with their friends, and I think during these years, it is their friends that influence their behavior and thinking the most.