You should say

-Who this person is?
-How do you know this person?
-Why do you think this person is energetic?
-And explain how you feel about this person?

Model Answer

  • Her name is Ivy.
  • She is a science teacher in a private school.
  • She has a good knowledge of science subjects.
  • She takes care of her whole family which consists of 4 people, her husband, brother in law and her 5 year old daughter.
How do you know this person?
  • She is my sister and always been energetic from childhood.
Why do you think this person is energetic?
  • She is the only adult female in her family, so she has to manage and combine her household and school work.
  • Most of times she wakes up at 4:00 Am sometimes at 3 am, depending on the amount of chores she has.
  • After praying she gets started the household chores and cooking for the family.
  • Thereafter she wakes up the whole family and goes to bathe for her daughter and gets her ready for school.
  • At around 7 she is ready to leave the house for work.
  • Comes back at 3 to continue whatever was left of the chores.
  • Attends to her daughter’s homework,
  • Sometimes I go grocery shopping.
  • She comes back to prepare dinner for the family.
  • And makes sure everything is set for the next day.
How do you feel about this person?
  • I feel she is a brave person for managing her home and work without lapses.
  • She motivates me to want to be a better person.
  • And manages to have fun in the midst of all her work.
Part-3 : Follow up Questions @Smart Alpine Education
Que 1. What kind of jobs need a lot of physical activity?

Not a lot of jobs because technology is fast spreading. But odd jobs like farming, bartending, waitressing, plumbing, and so on. But most of jobs have been taken over by machines.

Que 2. Can physical workers have higher salaries in the future?

No machines are fast replacing manual labour. The higher the value of a machine the lower the value of physical work.

Que 3. Do you think machines could replace manual labor in the future?

Not really but at least 80% will be replaced, the more new technology is made, the more new jobs are created.

Que 4. What is the difference between payment for physical work and payment for mental work?

Jobs for mental work entail a much bigger salary because the society today values mental work more than physical work.